Dark Secrets (2012, Eng)

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Dark Secrets (2012, Eng)

Dark Secrets – жуткая приключенческая игра с видом от первого лица, события которой происходят в изолированной скандинавской деревушке под названием Калмвуд! В роли Артура, вам предстоит исследовать самые потаённые уголки человеческого разума, и раскрыть секреты, которые лучше бы так и оставались секретами…

Dark Secrets (2012, Eng)

Dark Secrets (2012, Eng)

Dark Secrets (2012, Eng)

Dark Secrets (2012, Eng)

Вернувшись спустя пять лет домой, по причине внезапной смерти своего отца, Артур получает в наследство старый фамильный антикварный магазин с кучей странных предметов, которые его отец собирал многие годы. И вскоре Артур выясняет, что у каждого из этих предметов есть очень тёмное прошлое.
Step into the shoes of Arthur to explore the darkest depths of the human mind, and be ready to unveil secrets that would be best to leave untouched…
Dark Secrets set in the isolated village of Calmwood, to which Arthur after five years of absence returns due to the death of his father, forcing him to face his past life. He inherits the family’s old antique shop, and within that the countless of strange objects his father had collected over the years, each one with a hidden past lurking in the shadows, waiting to be brought into the light yet again.
* Explore the beautiful Scandinavian village of Calmwood and reveal its hidden past. Noting the change as the colorful world switches into a dark and horrific place while you step further into the darkness.
* Experience a deep and engaging story through the eyes of Arthur, and learn of his family’s troubled past as he unwillingly follows in his fathers footsteps.
* Interact with a dozen of intriguing and colorful characters, each one with their own motives and secrets to hide, with the will and means to do what it takes to keep them hidden.
* Relive the feeling of a classic adventure game, and solve the mysteries bound to the mysterious objects that are kept within the antique shop.
System requirements:
Windows XP / Vista / 7 (32 or 64-bit),
Pentium Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or equivalent
GeForce 7800 or equivalent
1500 Mb HD Space
Жанр: квест
Язык: Английский
Полная версия (поставь и играй)

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Dark Secrets (2012, Eng) 4.5 из 5 на основе 5478 просмотров, 5 отзывов.
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